Saturday, June 19

"rumours" .. "no, no, it's all true"

... is it bad that I've only just discovered Flight of the Concords? I think it really is .. Mainly due to a lack of tv channels (thank goodness for the digital switchover - not just 4 channels anymore!), but y'know, they're actually very funny indeed :)

I'm just getting my way through Series 1 and about to start on Series 2.. Although apparently there's a debate about who's better; Jemaine or Bret? Not quite sure where I stand on this - Bret because he's a bit cute, but Jemaine is just a bit funnier I think.. hrmm!

1 notes:

Rachel, Cold Knees said...

Yay I love Flight of the Conchords! I have a teeny tiny preference for Bret, I just love his jumpers =] But Jermaine has ever such amazing facial hair! xx