Monday, June 15


on the weekend i went to this jazz festival in the next town. ive known about it for ages but never been, & i heard its like world-renowned. so, on friday, after going on this car treasure hunt (my friend & i did so bad at it, all the questions were really obvious & we still made up about 4answers), we went on to the jazz fest at about 8.00, stumbled into some pub & sat & listened to this amazing swingjazz band called martin bennett's old green river band. we were the only two 'young people' there, but it was amazing, because we went into this room filled with a lot of fairly old people, expecting it to be all stuffy & awkward, but loads of elderly couples got up & danced & waved around trilby hats. ive never properly listened to jazz music before, it was incredible. then we went onto the town hall where this sorta classical jazz band were playing, & they were pretty good too. there was this old couple who had like a whole dance routine going, it was awesome. im seriously rubbish at like couples dancing, if you know what i mean? what was really sad was that one woman asked us if we were there because we'd had a few drinks, & we said noo we just wanted to come hear the music. i think i have a really incorrect view of older people (& vice versa). we went back the next day to hear the old green river band again. if you ever get the chance to listen to live jazz music, i recommend it:)

now i have to go back to school, find my modern studies teacher & return some more books. hows everyones week been so far? :)x

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